My first 3d printed object

So I was on the search for some smal color accurate led lights for a side project, and I stumbled across the colbor...
They are great, Ill write more about thhem in another post. The one shortcoming I found is that the LED chip itself is pretty exposed, and the cover that comes with it to protect it is very very flimsy.
3d printing to the rescue.
I took these photos and sent them to a guy on fiver:

I got this file back from him

I sent them to a printer on treatstock and days later they sent me this.

And the cap fit like a glove!! I could barely get it off after I put it on.
3d printed led cap
This blows my mind.
I'm more impressed by this than I am by all the hype around AI. My mind is racing with all the possiblities, more to come.