Learn to Kitesurf in 15 hours

9 years ago I took my first kitesurfing lesson, and it's been quite the journey. I made a ton of terrible mistakes ranging from spreading lessons out over huge periods of time to buying the wrong first kite equipment. All of these things massively slowed down my progress, and made my less confident as I was starting learn to ride on my own.
I took all of those painful lessons, and put them into this one video to try to help out any new riders looking to learn.
Here are all the stages, how long they should take, and the tips to master them more quickly:
Lessons - 9-12 hours:
- Everyone should take lessons, kites can be powerful and dangerous to you and anyone around you on the beach.
- Don't spread the lessons out over a long period of time, you muscles wont develop the memory.
- Group lessons aren't worth the cost savings, because you spend less time with the kite in your hand.
- Skip the trainer kite.
- Go to a place with good consistent wind, youll be up and riding after 4 days of good wind.
Riding Upwind - 4-6 hours:
- Get the right gear, a good upwind kite will save you a lot of time.
- Try supervised riding, its a way to practice riding upwind while someone with a jetski can help you out if you get into trouble
Riding Independently 2-6 hours:
- Learn your safety methods. Do a self rescue to get comfortable with how it works.
- Learn what kite sizes to rig, keep a log on your phone so you can track it.
- Find safe beginner sppots, itll be way less stressful than an advanced or intermediate spot.
Watch the full video here for all the details.